Circle Wisdom

What is Circle Wisdom?

Across time and space, the circle has been a symbol to represent a thing that is sacred, important or that must be protected. Circle Wisdom is a community that explores the many ways cultures across the globe have found the divine within the circle. The circle weaves its wisdom across time, culture, and belief systems. The more we learn, the more we discover its universal truth—everything is interconnected. 🌍✨

The MARI is an instrument we use to explore Circle Wisdom. An exploration of personal symbols and colors, this process provides inner guidance, wisdom, and direction for next steps for your personal growth through this amazing journey of life. Schedule your appointment today!

What inner guidance is coming through in your art?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The MARI is a unique process in which you are guided to create art from an intuitive space, connect with colors and symbols intuitively. Our bodies know what we need to heal. This process allows us to step out of our “thinking” brain into our sensing and intuiting body to provide the exact information you have needed to take the next step on your journey of self discovery. The MARI can also help you move forward if you have felt stuck in resolving an issue, situation, or relationship.

  • We utilize a process called MARI, Mandala Assessment Research Instrument. A trained MARI facilitator will guide you through the process of creating a mandala artwork, a symbol and color selection process and then the creation of a second mandala. Upon completion of your second mandala, the facilitator will guide you through exploration of your card choices, possible meanings, and their relationship to your artwork. These sessions can run anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hours. During the exploration process, the MARI facilitator will take notes for you. These notes are for you to take home to reflect and continue your exploration.

  • Through your own inner guidance, you will explore areas that may have been on the periphery of your awareness for some time. These may be issues you have been aware of but haven’t had the tools to explore and resolve. It is said that the MARI brings unconscious material into conscious awareness. Through my years of facilitating the MARI, I know this to be true.

Get Ready for Your Mandala Session

  • Schedule Your Appointment

    Call or email to schedule your session. Appointments are available in person or virtual.

  • Sign the Release

    Grow Creative provides disclosure, informed consent, and confidentiality to Inner Map clients.

  • Gather Supplies

    If you will be doing the Inner Map virtually, you will need the supplies listed.

  • See you Soon!

    Virtual appointments will be facilitated over Zoom. In person appointments will be held at the Grow Creative Studio.